Thursday, January 29, 2009

As Usual

As usual, life just keeps getting in the way of progress. I had to babysit my Grandsons this weekend. Sure enough, Monday I came down with their cold. Then a month ago, we had to put our dog to sleep. Cancer. I hate that ugly word. Depressing. My daughter with Cervical Cancer and my dog with Cancerous Tumors.

Sorry folks, no updates yet. I had Pneumonia last year at this time and this year, I am being more careful and taking care of myself. Basically, eating, sleeping and doing lots of reading. I am now reading "I Know This Much Is True", by Wally Lamb. It was on the New York Times Bestseller List awhile back and was recommended reading by Oprah's Book Club. It is a very good read. It is 900 pages long, and currently I am on the 501th page. Some language is a little bit rank, though. Long way to go yet.

Been following what is happening with my Detroit Tigers. They need to improve this year and it looks like they have. Hopefully, we have a decent bullpen and a decent shortstop now. Why in the world they don't bring Rick Porcello in to get his feet wet is beyond me. I think they still need a really good catcher though. I guess we shall see. I gave up on Lions football way back when they were bad and are still bad. New Coach now, maybe this year??

Been doing some Internet shopping for a new sketchbook. Now that we have a Cabin on the lake which I inhabit pretty much all summer, I plan on doing nothing but sketching and painting. I have 2 1/2 acres and 330 feet of water frontage that is totally mine to explore. My Grandsons are getting older now (4,4,31/2, and 1 year old), so they are very inquisitive. Last year we found a snake, a baby frog, they run after the Deer (those poor deer) and this year, I am teaching them how to fish.

Well, that's all for now. Going to get better and try to post some pictures then. I have a couple of ACEO's (Artist Trading Cards) to post here and I also wanted to post a painting near completion.

Stay warm and stay safe!!

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